Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Última noche

Tonight is our last night in Santa Cruz. This week has been a good one, as usual. Monday Peyton and I did a few presentations for class that took most of the morning. I can't remember what we did Monday afternoon - probably just some studying and such. Tuesday Peyton and I both went to San Pablo for outreach clinic. It was a full day and a good day - a little sad that it was our last outreach clinic of the summer. Today Peyton and I saw patients at the clinic in Santa Cruz until midday, then we sat in on a presentation by one of the other students. We finished up around 2pm, said our goodbyes and headed down to the house to study and relax for the rest of the afternoon.

I have mixed emotions at this point. I am very excited to be going home. I can't wait to see Allie on Friday night, and of course I miss everyone else, too. At the same time, this has been a really fun rotation. I've learned a ton and it's been great living and working with Peyton this month.

Tonight we're eating at the Iguana. They always put out a great dinner. Tonight it's pizza. Craig - the manager here - bought us beers to celebrate, so that's good.

I'll have more to say in summary of the summer, but for now it's almost dinner time.

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