Thursday, July 29, 2010

La Ciudad

Last night was a blast at the Iguana. We had an incredible dinner as usual and then played that game where you pass the thing around and you try to get your team to say the word but you can't say the word. Tons of fun. There was an Irish couple playing with us and every time our team did something good the guy, Ian, would yell out, "Brilliant!" Typical.

We got up this morning and did our usual exercise. We usually exercise every morning, alternating between lifting weights (really, it's more calisthenics b/c we don't have weights to lift other than Peyton's stretch bands) and running. This morning was a running morning. We run from the house to the docks (~6 min) then run up the hill from the docks to the center of town (~6-7 min). Then back down on a foot path that takes you back to the docks (a gagillion steps down), and then back up the hill a second time and down again and then back to the house. Now, the run up from the docks is INSANE. It's the hardest hill I've ever tried to run up in my life. The grade is probably 25% in some places - just ridiculous - and it never lets up the whole way. It took me several times before I could make it in good form, and even now with "good form" it's like I'm running in place. But still, a few days ago I had my best time. I think adjusting to the altitude here has helped a lot. The lake is somewhere around 6,000 feet I think.

Anyhow, we did our exercise and then packed. I was determined to get all the stuff I brought down in my three bags into two for the return trip, and I succeeded. It made getting around today way easier. After a quick breakfast we cleaned up the house and headed to the docks to catch a lancha to Pana. From there we hopped on a chicken bus to Solola, then changed buses and headed to Los Encuentros. At Los Encuentros we got on a bus to the City.

The ride from Los Encuentros to the City is about 2 hours. During that 2 hours, this charismatic Guatemalan gentleman spent probably an hour or more going on and on about this natural "cure all" herbal supplement he was selling and how if you add it to all these specific juice blend recipes you could cure any ailment - aches, pains, diabetes, heart disease, etc. One thing I learned from him is that if you are going to pick herbs or other plants for the purpose of healing or to extract medicine, you musn't do so unless there is a full moon, otherwise the cure will not work. Similarly, if the plant is wet when you pick it, that won't do. Good to know.

After he was finished a man with a guitar got up and started playing and singing religious songs. He was followed immediately by a pastor-like fellow who gave a brief sermon and then prayed for all of us.

So it was an interesting trip, but it was super cheap and by far the way to go as far as traveling from the lake to the city goes.

Now we're at the hotel dos lunas right by the airport. Super nice place. You gotta be careful in Guatemala City, but this place is in a gated community and is pretty legit. But cheap, too. They have free wi fi and free water, and they feed you a free breakfast in the morning before transporting you for free to the airport. Quite the place!

So this is my last night in Guatemala, at least for this go 'round. I imagine I'll be back. I thought a lot of Craig's program and I'd very much like to stay involved in the years to come. But for now, I'm ready for home. It's been a great month, a great rotation, awesome to spend so much time with Pman, but a long month without Allie. I'm ready for some Allie time.

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