Monday, July 19, 2010


This past Tuesday and Thursday we went to San Pablo and Pahomel for outreach clinic. San Pablo is right on the lake and Pahomel is a village way up the mountainside from Tzununa, about an hour's hike straight up. It's a great workout. This time, because the road was complete washed out from a mudslide, we had to hike up with all the medicine loaded into our packs. Normally someone drives the truck up with the meds.

Here's some of us on the lancha on our way to the docks at San Pablo.

This is the view of the docks in Santa Cruz. The Iguana (where we hang out from time to time and sometimes eat incredible dinners) is just to the right of the picture, out of view.

This is the spot where you can wait for lanchas in Santa Cruz. We're all dressed for hiking with our packs loaded down with medicines and equipment for the clinic in Pahomel.

This is the group waiting on a van to take us from the docks to San Pablo. We had to wait a while that day. We pack all our supplies in roller suitcases, duffel bags, and tool boxes.

This is the dock we use to access San Pablo. We're loading up to head home after a full clinic day.

This is the building we use for clinic in Pahomel. It's basically a general purpose municipal building with a few rooms that serve as exam rooms.

Once we get there we have to construct a pharmacy from the piles of meds we brought in our packs - completely unorganized. Lauren and Amanda led the organization project last Thursday and did a magnificent job. One of the makeshift exam rooms is behind the pharmacy table.

The hike up is gorgeous. This is looking down from the edge of Pahomel before beginning the descent. You can see way down by the lake in the notch the village of Tzununa where we catch the lancha back to Santa Cruz.

This is the spot to wait for the lanchas in Tzununa.

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